Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Moment at Dusk

Done entirely with only the Hake brushes. . .that is right. . .no flat or round or rigger brushes. . .Just the Hake, ma'am.

                                         Watercolor on 200lbs paper 10x14
The two things that I am learning about Hake, and both relate to the fact that they hold lots of water (as advertised).  First, is the amount of water you start with is the secret to doing light washes as an under painting.  Second, to go effectively go over those light washes, you cannot be afraid to use lots of paint.  Initially, I was only using the paint sparingly and I need to stop doing that.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Today's Hike: An Interlude

I am still need work mastering the Hake brushes. . .that much is obvious.  And I am struggling with creating the wispy atmospheric feel that light washes of watercolor can produce.  That said, I consider this to be more of a success than failure.

                                           Watercolor on 120lbs paper 9x12 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

A New Day Dawning

Just because it feels like it is. . .

                                          Watercolor on 200lbs paper 10x14

Completed using only Hake brushes (except for the two fishermen in the boat).  This may very well be my favorite sky. Someone challenged me to work lighter and use more sensitivity with my brush work. I think I am getting better.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

The Bound Brook Libray

The area of Bound Brook was first settled in 1681.  It was incorporated as a town in 1869 then reincorporated as a borough in 1891.  It is most famous for the Battle of Bound Brook (American Revolutionary War) which occurred April 13, 1777.  Reenactments of the battle between the troops of Lt General Lord Charles Cornwallis and Major General Benjamin Lincoln still occur every year (last year I got caught in the "battle" and had to wait until the Continental Army had pushed the Redcoats and Hessians far enough back for the street to be reopened).  

The borough still has lots of interesting architecture and buildings spanning its long history. I particularly enjoy the Bound Brook Library (although I started my drawing too high and missed out its most interesting architectural feature).

                                           Watercolor on paper 9x7


Friday, May 03, 2013

Big Brush Canyon

No, that is not the canyon's name (I am not sure where the reference photo was taken) but this was the first watercolor painting I have done with my new BIG Hake brushes.  Hake brushes are very versatile and hold lots of water.  They will take some getting used to (I probably need to use more paint).  

Besides new brushes, I also bought lots of different paper.  This was done on a 10x14 200 lbs sheet, much bigger and thicker than anything I have done in the past.  I also bought even larger paper and two different hot pressed watercolor paper pads (9x12 and 10x14).  I am going to wait before I try those out.

                                     Watercolor on 200lbs paper 10x14